Alexander Kurt Pfister

Head of Legal Services - Industrial Property Rights (Patents, Trade Marks, Indications of Source), Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Legal & International Affairs Division

Education, Academic Degree:

Attorney at Law (Berne)
MAS Marketing (Basle University)

Current Position:

Head of Legal Services - Industrial Property Rights (Patents, Trade Marks, Indications of Source),
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, Legal & International Affairs Division

Professional experience:

- Associate and Partner in a Law Firm
- Head of Trade Mark Examination Unit at the IPI
- Head of Legal Service at the IPI;
- Adjunct Judge at the Commercial Court of Berne

Publications, scientific works:

- Sales Intermediaries as Relevant Consumers in the Trade Mark Registration Procedure, sic! Journal for Intellectual Property Law, Information Law and Competition Law 2009, 683 et seq.
- When does "means-what-it-says" mean what it says? (ECJ C-370/10 "IP Translator") sic! Journal for Intellectual Property Law, Information Law and Competition Law 2012, 830 et seq.
- BSK Commentary on the Federal Trade Mark Protection Act, 3rd ed., Basle 2016, Art. 47-51 (Indications of Source).